Month: September 2023

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Why Suriname’s Carbon Finance Program Could Change The World

Ken Silverstein Mr. October is on deck. Marciano Dasai, Suriname’s minister of spatial planning and environment, spoke at Climate Week in New York and is pitching 4.8 million carbon offsets to the real heavy hitters — the rich nations responsible for most of the globe’s CO2 emissions. It’s the World Series of carbon finance — a potential…
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Many governments and business leaders have made commitments to reduce carbon emissions in response to the 2015 Paris Agreement. This series covers topics surrounding green energy transition The 2015 Paris Agreement is a historic agreement between world governments to reduce carbon emissions in order to combat the effects of climate change. As a result, many…
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Singapore’s new carbon exchange

Amsterdam, 22 sept 2023 — Singapore’s new carbon exchange traded 12,000 tonnes of emissions on its first trading day as the city-state bets on the growth of an industry that has been slammed for corporate greenwashing. Chevron, Vitol, Standard Chartered and China’s CICC on Wednesday traded credits on Climate Impact X, which is hoping to…
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Rethinking Integrity in the Voluntary Carbon Market

From Crisis to Confidence by Eftimiya Salo The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) has been recognized as a powerful tool for climate change mitigation by supporting corporate climate targets in addition to deep emission cuts aligned with a 1.5-degree trajectory. However, with great power comes significant responsibility, and unfortunately, the current state of the VCM falls…
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From Crisis to Confidence

Rethinking Integrity in the Voluntary Carbon Market Systemic flaws in the carbon market The VCM is riddled with a lack of transparency and robust quality standards. Various independent investigations have revealed that the market is flooded with low-quality credits with little to no impact on the climate. The Compensate Foundation has reached the same conclusion…
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Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Spotlight on Climate Change Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Spotlight on climate change presents the progress made by countries in the region in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and protecting natural habitats. It describes the level of exposure to climate-related hazards and some of the main policy instruments…
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Mangroves and climate change

eyeson… Mangroves are found in 123 nations and territories, but they represent less than 0.4% of the total of the world’s forested areas. 🌊They support biodiversity, promote food security, and hold cultural, recreational and spiritual value. Their complex structures protect our coasts from storm surges and erosion. And, they absorb chemical pollution and trap sediments in…
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Amazon deal lacks concrete measures, say climate activists

Eyesonsuriname News Amsterdam, 14 sept 2023 —The eight countries that share the Amazon basin have fallen short of an agreed goal to end deforestation. Delegates from the countries are meeting in the Brazilian city of Belém for a two-day summit on the issue. A joint declaration on Tuesday created an alliance to combat deforestation, but…
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Suriname aims to be first to sell Paris Agreement carbon credits, adviser says

Sept 13 (Reuters) – The South American forest nation of Suriname plans to become the first country to sell carbon credits under a system set up by the 2015 U.N. Paris Agreement to help curb climate change, an adviser on the sale told Reuters. The prospective sale is a bid to attract investors with government-backed…
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Carbon credit market confidence ebbs as big names retreat

By Susanna Twidale and Sarah Mcfarlane LONDON, Sept 1 (Reuters) – Voluntary carbon markets have shrunk for the first time in at least seven years, as companies including food giant Nestle and fashion house Gucci reduced buying and studies found several forest protection projects did not deliver promised emissions savings. Preserving forests is crucial to meeting international goals…
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