Tag: Reforestation

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

The Dance of Carbon: Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Minister’s Bold Move In a daring twist, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has set sail on uncharted waters. His plan? To dump carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the North Sea. Critics raise their eyebrows, fearing sea acidification and seismic ripples. But Habeck stands firm, envisioning a climate solution beneath the waves. 2. Reforestation:…
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The Dance of Carbon: How CO₂ Shapes Our Forests

eyesonindonesia 1. The Love-Hate Relationship with CO₂ Plants and trees have a complex relationship with carbon dioxide (CO₂). On one hand, CO₂ is their lifeblood—a vital ingredient for photosynthesis, the magical process that turns sunlight into energy. During this dance, plants absorb CO₂, release oxygen, and grow. But like any intricate tango, there’s a twist:…
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Reforestation in Indonesia

Reforestation in Indonesia

A Green Path to Climate Resilience and Prosperity eyesonindonesia 1. Mitigating Climate Change: A Forested Shield Indonesia’s lush rainforests have long been a treasure trove of biodiversity, but they also play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Here’s how reforestation efforts are a beacon of hope: Carbon Capture and Storage Reforestation acts as a…
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100 million trees for Borneo

100 million trees for Borneo

On the island of Borneo, many forests have been cleared to make way for oil palm plantations or mining. That’s having a disastrous effect on nature. So the 100 Million Trees project aims to bring back the forests. Watch the video on DW

Mangroves and climate change

eyeson… Mangroves are found in 123 nations and territories, but they represent less than 0.4% of the total of the world’s forested areas. 🌊They support biodiversity, promote food security, and hold cultural, recreational and spiritual value. Their complex structures protect our coasts from storm surges and erosion. And, they absorb chemical pollution and trap sediments in…
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Amazon deal lacks concrete measures, say climate activists

Eyesonsuriname News Amsterdam, 14 sept 2023 —The eight countries that share the Amazon basin have fallen short of an agreed goal to end deforestation. Delegates from the countries are meeting in the Brazilian city of Belém for a two-day summit on the issue. A joint declaration on Tuesday created an alliance to combat deforestation, but…
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Smart Forestry Made in Finland

The forestry industry is going through an extensive transformation, with inventory, harvesting and management all going digital and data-driven. This means demand for new solutions in which Finland is a world-class provider. We help the industry respond to the growing demand for wood, while preserving the environment for future generations. Finland has the digital innovations,…
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Smart Forestry Market Analysis

Analysis of current status and opportunities in forestry digitalization market AFRY has supported Business Finland to analyse theSmart Forestry market and identify opportunities for Finnish companies in the sector: Business Finland has launched a Smart Forestry programme, aiming at identifying newbusiness opportunities in the global sustainable forestry and wood sourcing value chain,leveraging from Finnish know-how…
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Exclusive Interview with Biden, Clinton and Obama Advisor on Climate Change

One of the secrets for success is more and better investments in data and more data. Listen to David J. Hayes in an exclusive one-on-one interview with eyesonindonesia. David J. Hayes is an American attorney and legal scholar who serves in the Biden Administration as Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy.  Hayes has led the White…
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Indonesia’s Vital Role in Combating Greenhouse Gases: The Imperative for Reforestation Efforts

Reforestation efforts in Indonesia have emerged as a crucial strategy to combat the increasing levels of greenhouse gases. With its vast tropical rainforests and rich biodiversity, Indonesia plays a significant role in global climate regulation. Addressing Deforestation: Indonesian Government’s Collaborative Reforestation Initiatives However, illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and forest fires have severely impacted these forests,…
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