Category: The Business of CO2 markets and Trade

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

The Carbon Credits Market in the Philippines

eyesonthepilippines The carbon credits market in the Philippines holds promise as a tool for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development. While challenges remain, the country’s commitment to environmental protection and the growing global emphasis on carbon reduction provide a solid foundation for future growth. The incredibly beautiful and promising Philippines, an archipelago comprising over…
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Global Waste Trade and Climate Change

Global Waste Trade and Climate Change

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities eyesonindonesia 1. Introduction The global waste trade, driven by economic globalization, has significant implications for our planet’s climate. As countries exchange waste materials, both hazardous and non-hazardous, we must recognize the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. 2. The Environmental Impact 2.1 Carbon Footprint Around 20–30% of global CO₂…
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Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company announced this week a 41% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 2015 and 2023

Brazil reduces CO2 emissions by more than 40%

Coming Global Leader eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, May 2nd 20244– Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company announced this week a 41% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 2015 and 2023 according to the oficial news media and the Agencia Brasil.  ‘ The result was exceptional ‘, said Petrobras’ Energy Transition and Sustainability Director Maurício Tolmasquim. It was also an…
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Brazil World Champion cheapest green hydrogen production

Rotterdam World Champion transportation into Europe a.oerlemans/eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 26 april 2024– Brazilian development bank BNDES,  the largest financier of renewable energy in the world is investing another 15 and 20 billion dollars per year until 2040 in green hydrogen and in improving ports to transport green hydrogen from Brazil to Europe.  The South American giant, will produce…
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Do good to do well:

Why sustainability and success go hand in hand Businesses that generate value for the environment and society can also optimise operational efficiency and drive results Amsterdam, 25 april 2024– Focusing on sustainability can lead to significant gains in efficiency and profitability; and businesses are increasingly understanding that environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities are…
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Carbon Credits: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

eyesonindonesia 1. The Emergence of a Global Carbon Exchange In a world grappling with climate change, carbon credits have emerged as a powerful tool. Singapore, a hub for financial innovation, is at the forefront of this movement. The Singapore Exchange (SGX) has taken a bold step by launching Climate Impact X (CIX), a global carbon…
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Carbon Footprint Reduction

Indonesia’s Strategies for Carbon Footprint Reduction

eyesonindonesia Indonesia, a nation rich in biodiversity and facing the challenges of climate change, has been actively working toward reducing its carbon footprint. Here are the key strategies the country is implementing to pave the way for a more sustainable future: 1. Balancing Growth and Emissions Reduction Indonesia recognizes the delicate balance between economic growth…
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Visualising the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Visualising the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

In 1997 Captain Charles Moore was sailing from Hawaii to California when he noticed a steady stream of plastics bobbing in the ocean. He had discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. by Frankie Adkins / BBC Over a thousand miles from land in the central North Pacific Ocean, the boat captain and oceanographer Captain Charles…
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How humans have changed the Earth's surface in 2023

How humans have changed the Earth’s surface in 2023

From new artificial islands to the environmental devastation caused by the breach of Ukraine’s Kakhovka Dam – this is how humanity has changed the face of our planet throughout the past year. by Richard Gray There are few places on the Earth where humans have not left a mark of some kind. An estimated 95% of…
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Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Launched in Dubai eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 1 Feb. 2024 — The Dubai Financial Market announced that it will launch a carbon trading pilot program, aiming to global daily price references. eyesonsuriname is getting a hold of the pilot program for institutional investors and will run it next month The move will position the Dubai Financial Market…
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