Tag: Indonesia

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Soil Erosion Prevention in Indonesian Agriculture

Cultivating Resilience: Soil Erosion Prevention in Indonesian Agriculture

eyesonindonesia Introduction Soil erosion, like a silent thief, robs our land of its fertility and threatens our future. In Indonesia, where lush landscapes meet torrential downpours, this menace looms large. But fear not! By embracing sustainable practices, we can turn the tide. Let’s delve into the challenges and solutions that will safeguard our soil and…
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Carbon Credits: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

eyesonindonesia 1. The Emergence of a Global Carbon Exchange In a world grappling with climate change, carbon credits have emerged as a powerful tool. Singapore, a hub for financial innovation, is at the forefront of this movement. The Singapore Exchange (SGX) has taken a bold step by launching Climate Impact X (CIX), a global carbon…
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Revitalising the Tourist Industry in Indonesia

Nicholas Morris / eyesonindonesia The recently-published Indonesian Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) sets ambitious targets for Indonesia in 2045, under the heading “(Golden) Indonesia EMAS”. The plan is to achieve per capita income equivalent to that of developed countries (around US$3,000); eradicate poverty and reduce inequality; increase the influence of Indonesia in the international arena; enhance…
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Reforestation in Indonesia

Reforestation in Indonesia

A Green Path to Climate Resilience and Prosperity eyesonindonesia 1. Mitigating Climate Change: A Forested Shield Indonesia’s lush rainforests have long been a treasure trove of biodiversity, but they also play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Here’s how reforestation efforts are a beacon of hope: Carbon Capture and Storage Reforestation acts as a…
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Carbon Footprint Reduction

Indonesia’s Strategies for Carbon Footprint Reduction

eyesonindonesia Indonesia, a nation rich in biodiversity and facing the challenges of climate change, has been actively working toward reducing its carbon footprint. Here are the key strategies the country is implementing to pave the way for a more sustainable future: 1. Balancing Growth and Emissions Reduction Indonesia recognizes the delicate balance between economic growth…
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100 million trees for Borneo

100 million trees for Borneo

On the island of Borneo, many forests have been cleared to make way for oil palm plantations or mining. That’s having a disastrous effect on nature. So the 100 Million Trees project aims to bring back the forests. Watch the video on DW

Javanese Diaspora Event 2023 invited Javanese descent from across the globe, including the Surinamese Ambassador to Indonesia Erick Rahmat Moertabat. Here is his story of finding a long-lost family in Yogyakarta.

Exclusive with Suriname Ambassador to Indonesia Rahmat Moertabat

Javanese Diaspora Event 2023 invited Javanese descent from across the globe, including the Surinamese Ambassador to Indonesia Erick Rahmat Moertabat. Here is his story of finding a long-lost family in Yogyakarta.

Indonesia Launches Construction Of Pioneering Carbon Storage Project

Indonesia Launches Construction Of Pioneering Carbon Storage Project

Indonesia marked a significant milestone on Friday as President Joko Widodo launched the construction of the country’s first carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) project in West Papua province. This pioneering project, operated by global energy major BP (LON: BP), has the potential to sequester up to 1.8 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2), according to a statement…
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Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding climate change and carbon credits.  Currently, Singapore is the center of commodity trading in Asia. Indonesia is among the biggest carbon credit suppliers in the region. It is also home to one of the earth’s biggest rainforests.  The agreement between the two countries allows them…
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Indonesia dacarbonized

Indonesia decarbonized by 2026 

Great achievement for Indonesia eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, 26 october 2023– The Indonesian Government recently announced their goal of being carbon neutral by 2060. That means to cater the need to decarbonise the country’s electrical sector has rapidly increased. This sector currently accounts for 40% of the country’s Co2 emissions and is therefore a very important issue…
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