Tag: Sustainable Development

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

The importance of Plastic Recycling Revolution with: The Compleximer 

A new, sturdy and biodegradable plastic causes a revolution? eyesonindonesia Plastic recycling is very important to keep the growing mountain of plastic waste in the world under control. Plastics such as foil and packaging make this possible, but not yet with strong plastics such as car tires, shoe soles or windmill blades. At  Amsterdam, 26 April…
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Do good to do well:

Why sustainability and success go hand in hand Businesses that generate value for the environment and society can also optimise operational efficiency and drive results antonfoek.com Amsterdam, 25 april 2024– Focusing on sustainability can lead to significant gains in efficiency and profitability; and businesses are increasingly understanding that environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities are…
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Reforestation in Indonesia

Reforestation in Indonesia

A Green Path to Climate Resilience and Prosperity eyesonindonesia 1. Mitigating Climate Change: A Forested Shield Indonesia’s lush rainforests have long been a treasure trove of biodiversity, but they also play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Here’s how reforestation efforts are a beacon of hope: Carbon Capture and Storage Reforestation acts as a…
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Greener Pastures: Reforestation Taking Root in Indonesia’s Mining Scars

Indonesia, a nation rich in natural resources, faces a significant challenge: the environmental and social consequences of widespread mining activities. However, a promising solution is emerging – reforestation efforts are reclaiming despoiled lands, offering a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable future. Ground Zero: Where Reforestation Efforts Thrive The most significant reforestation initiatives are…
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How planting trees is bringing clean water to a tropical nation

How planting trees is bringing clean water to a tropical nation

The Dominican Republic’s forests are being cut down for grazing land – and it’s also having a serious effect on the water supply. Is planting new trees a natural solution to the crisis? by Lucy Sherriff / BBC Nothing, not even a drop, came out. Even the pipes, which usually gurgled in anticipation, stayed silent.…
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Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Launched in Dubai eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 1 Feb. 2024 — The Dubai Financial Market announced that it will launch a carbon trading pilot program, aiming to global daily price references. eyesonsuriname is getting a hold of the pilot program for institutional investors and will run it next month The move will position the Dubai Financial Market…
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Launch 100 million Plastic Credit Bonds

Launch 100 million Plastic Credit Bonds

WORLD BANK  eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, 1 Feb 2024– The World Bank has announced the launch of a unique seven-year bond, valued at $100 million, specifically targeted at reducing plastic waste.  This pioneering Plastic Waste Reduction-Linked Bond is designed to generate financial returns for investors through Plastic Waste Collection Credits, Recycling Credits, and Voluntary Carbon Units (VCU)…
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Green Digital Transformation

Green digital transformation

How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action Abstract Climate change is unfolding amid the greatest information and communication revolution in human history. From e-commerce and social media to smart manufacturing and precision farming, digital technologies have become prevalent in all aspects of economic and social life. Digital technologies…
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EU Parliament Approves The Carbon Removal Certification Framework And Net Zero Industry Act

EU Parliament Approves The Carbon Removal Certification Framework And Net Zero Industry Act

The European Parliament voted on November 21st in a plenary session on long-awaited and debated climate policies. The Parliament has approved the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) and the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), demonstrating its support for scaling up carbon dioxide removal (CDR) capacity in the EU – part of the bloc’s strategy in…
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Opinion Ben Cooke: The Times in London

“Environmentalists aren’t famously keen on capitalism. Given that its rise has coincided with a two-thirds decline in wildlife worldwide, it’s not hard to see why.  Many conclude that if capitalism got us into these dire ecological straits, it has little chance of getting us out. Akshat Rathi cautions against that conclusion: we’ve left it so…
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