Tag: Carbon Trading

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Carbon Credits: Paving the Way for a Greener Future

eyesonindonesia 1. The Emergence of a Global Carbon Exchange In a world grappling with climate change, carbon credits have emerged as a powerful tool. Singapore, a hub for financial innovation, is at the forefront of this movement. The Singapore Exchange (SGX) has taken a bold step by launching Climate Impact X (CIX), a global carbon…
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Carbon credits

The Explainer: The carbon credits trade broken down

As Kenya hosts the inaugural climate change summit, there has been much talk about carbon credits and their sale. What are they, who has them, how and where are they traded and how do they contribute to reducing the effects of climate change?

Carbon Pricing Explained: How Carbon Credits, Carbon Offsets and Taxes are Priced

Carbon Pricing Explained:

How Carbon Credits, Carbon Offsets and Taxes are Priced Between talk of carbon credits, carbon offsets, and of course carbon emissions, it can feel like carbon is everywhere. But unless you understand carbon pricing, you’ll never understand how – and why – carbon markets work the way they do. Let’s break down carbon pricing, starting…
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Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia Carbon Trading Deal

Singapore and Indonesia have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding climate change and carbon credits.  Currently, Singapore is the center of commodity trading in Asia. Indonesia is among the biggest carbon credit suppliers in the region. It is also home to one of the earth’s biggest rainforests.  The agreement between the two countries allows them…
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Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, Nov. 2nd 2023– Within a very foreseeable future Allseas will begin developing the work which has been agreed between them and Porthos and the first tasks will include installation, burial and commissioning of a 16-inch CCS pipeline. This pipeline will connect a compressor station located at Maasvlakte, and the P18-A platform, which is…
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So why have carbon markets failed to achieve their goal of reducing global emissions?

How do carbon markets work?

In theory putting a price on carbon emissions should incentivise businesses to stop polluting. So why have carbon markets failed to achieve their goal of reducing global emissions?

Tokyo Stock Exchange begins trade in carbon credits

Yuka Obayashi A man works at the Tokyo Stock Exchange after market open in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2, 2020. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon/ TOKYO, Oct 11 (Reuters) – Japan’s Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) started trading carbon credits on Wednesday, as the world’s fifth-largest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitter put in place a key element of its strategy to…
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How carbon prices are taking over the world

A quarter of global emissions are now covered, and the share is rising fast IF GLOBAL WARMING is to be limited, the world must forget about fossil fuels as fast as possible—that much almost everyone agrees upon. How to do so is the complicated part. Economists have long favoured putting a price on carbon, a…
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The Carbon Market Opportunity

Much has been discussed about the carbon market, here is how it actually works. Lombard Odier explains the difference between voluntary and compliance carbon markets and outlines the importance of high-integrity carbon projects. How investors can support companies’ decarbonisation strategies and diversify their portfolios via carbon markets. The Nuances of Carbon Markets: Leveraging Voluntary and…
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Indian government takes decisive steps on creating carbon credit markets

Exploring India’s Net-Zero Commitment: The Draft Green Credit Programme and Carbon Credit Trading Scheme of 2023 On 26th June and 28th June 2023, India propelled closer to its net-zero commitments as two groundbreaking events unfolded. The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change introduced the ‘draft Green Credit Programme Implementation Rules, 2023’, and the Ministry…
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