Tag: Plastic Recycling

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

The importance of Plastic Recycling Revolution with: The Compleximer 

A new, sturdy and biodegradable plastic causes a revolution? eyesonindonesia Plastic recycling is very important to keep the growing mountain of plastic waste in the world under control. Plastics such as foil and packaging make this possible, but not yet with strong plastics such as car tires, shoe soles or windmill blades. At  Amsterdam, 26 April…
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Visualising the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Visualising the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

In 1997 Captain Charles Moore was sailing from Hawaii to California when he noticed a steady stream of plastics bobbing in the ocean. He had discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. by Frankie Adkins / BBC Over a thousand miles from land in the central North Pacific Ocean, the boat captain and oceanographer Captain Charles…
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Launch 100 million Plastic Credit Bonds

Launch 100 million Plastic Credit Bonds

WORLD BANK  eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, 1 Feb 2024– The World Bank has announced the launch of a unique seven-year bond, valued at $100 million, specifically targeted at reducing plastic waste.  This pioneering Plastic Waste Reduction-Linked Bond is designed to generate financial returns for investors through Plastic Waste Collection Credits, Recycling Credits, and Voluntary Carbon Units (VCU)…
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Raising awareness

Life & society Environment “The beach is my living room, the sea my television.” This is the informal slogan Inkeri Pekkanen uses to describe her admirable leisure-time pastime of beach cleaning along the shore of her hometown of Hanko, on the of the Finnish mainland. Located at the tip of a sandy peninsula and graced…
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