Tag: Carbon Capture

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Jokowi Resmikan Proyek Penyimpanan Karbon Pertama di Papua Barat

Jokowi Inaugurates the First Carbon Storage Project in West Papua

Reuters Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Friday (24/11) inaugurated the construction of a carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project in the province of West Papua operated by British Petroleum (BP). This CCUS project in West Papua is the first carbon storage project in the country. The CCUS project has the potential to store up to…
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Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, Nov. 2nd 2023– Within a very foreseeable future Allseas will begin developing the work which has been agreed between them and Porthos and the first tasks will include installation, burial and commissioning of a 16-inch CCS pipeline. This pipeline will connect a compressor station located at Maasvlakte, and the P18-A platform, which is…
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Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

Funding for Energy related projects

Amsterdam, Nov 2nd 2023– The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that they will be awarding $36 million to 11 projects, spread over 8 states.  This has been done in order to drive forwards the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts and to accelerate the development of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR). The funding for these projects comes…
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