Category: The Business of CO2 capture

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

This year’s United Nations climate summit will be the biggest in history–and the first held in a major petrostate. Host United Arab Emirates wants to bring the fossil fuel industry into the climate fold, but to make that happen requires wide deployment of carbon capture and storage. Proponents argue the new technology could help preserve…
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New satellite that will track Co2 emissions from space

New satellite that will track Co2 emissions from space

So far, satellites are being used to help tackle the climate crisis, but these satellites are only detecting methane. This new satellite, developed by Canadian company GHGSat has been designed specifically to detect carbon emissions from space, in order to identify the worst polluters. The satellite will be able to detect emissions from places like…
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Carbon Removals

Urgent concerns regarding the proposed Certification Framework for Carbon Removals (CFCR) text

With this letter, we express our serious concerns regarding the Certification Framework for Carbon Removals text under consideration for adoption at the Coreper meeting on 17.11.2023. We believe the current text has significant issues that need addressing before adoption can be considered. As it now stands, it undermines the effectiveness of the EU’s existing climate…
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The massive machines removing carbon from Earth’s atmosphere

The massive machines removing carbon from Earth’s atmosphere

Jan Wurzbacher To restrain global warming, we know we need to drastically reduce pollution. The very next step after that: using both natural and technological solutions to trap as much excess carbon dioxide from the air as possible. Enter Orca, the world’s first large-scale direct air capture and storage plant, built in Iceland by the…
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Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

Allseas to construct a 16-inch pipeline for the CCS project developed by Porthos

eyesonindonesia Amsterdam, Nov. 2nd 2023– Within a very foreseeable future Allseas will begin developing the work which has been agreed between them and Porthos and the first tasks will include installation, burial and commissioning of a 16-inch CCS pipeline. This pipeline will connect a compressor station located at Maasvlakte, and the P18-A platform, which is…
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Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

Funding for Energy related projects

Amsterdam, Nov 2nd 2023– The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that they will be awarding $36 million to 11 projects, spread over 8 states.  This has been done in order to drive forwards the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts and to accelerate the development of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR). The funding for these projects comes…
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A Startup Battles Big Oil for the $1 Trillion Future of Carbon Cleanup

A Startup Battles Big Oil for the $1 Trillion Future of Carbon Cleanup

by Brian Kahn – Bloomberg Christoph Gebald’s company, Climeworks, is a pioneer in carbon-capture technology. Can it grow quickly enough to make an impact in the climate fight? Most everyone who’s committed their career to solving the climate crisis comes to the field because they have something they want to save. It’s the mountains for…
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An Oil Giant Quietly Ditched the World’s Biggest Carbon Capture Plant

An Oil Giant Quietly Ditched the World’s Biggest Carbon Capture Plant

Occidental Petroleum is leading the global charge to vastly expand the use of technologies that suck up carbon dioxide. The failure of company’s biggest-ever bet shows the challenges ahead.  By Natasha White, Akshat Rathi, and Kevin Crowley The world wants to master the process of corralling carbon, and Occidental Petroleum Corp. is building a futuristic machine on the dusty plains of…
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Saving CO2 and money

Smart windows save households money and CO2 A thermochrome coating is applied to the windows. This extra layer ensures that the optical properties change at a certain temperature. If it is warmer than 20 degrees Celsius, then the solar heat is kept out. Is it colder? Then the windows let in the heat of the…
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Why Tracking Carbon Emissions Is Suddenly A Billion Dollar Opportunity

As extreme weather events roiled communities around the world this summer, businesses and governments are feeling more pressure than ever to respond to climate change. Tracking emissions has historically been difficult, because the methods for tracking a company’s carbon footprint are all over the place. In the U.S., corporate sustainability reporting remains unstandardized and largely…
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