Category: The Business of CO2 storage

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

European agreement transports and storage carbon across borders

eyesonsuriname A European infrastructure for carbon capture and storage is underway. Today, arrangements between Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden allow cross-border transport and geological storage of captured CO2. Carbon capture and storage is a tool that can capture some of the emissions that are very difficult to prevent – and capturing those emissions…
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Unveiling the Risks of Subseabed CO2 Storage

Beneath the Waves: Unveiling the Risks of Subseabed CO2 Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Depths of Promise In the azure embrace of our oceans, a revolutionary endeavor unfolds: subseabed CO2 storage. This audacious technology aims to trap carbon dioxide deep within Earth’s crust, far from prying eyes and the atmospheric dance of greenhouse gases. But as we venture into these uncharted depths, we must acknowledge the…
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The Dance of Carbon: Reforestation vs. Sub-Seabed Storage

eyesonindonesia 1. The Minister’s Bold Move In a daring twist, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has set sail on uncharted waters. His plan? To dump carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the North Sea. Critics raise their eyebrows, fearing sea acidification and seismic ripples. But Habeck stands firm, envisioning a climate solution beneath the waves. 2. Reforestation:…
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Germany announces offshore carbon storage plan

Germany recently announced it has made plans to look into and begin enabling underground carbon storage at offshore sites. The first steps the country will take towards doing this, are to push forwards with the technology that has been under debate for quite a while. eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, Feb.29 th 2024 — Robert Habeck, who is the…
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Jokowi Resmikan Proyek Penyimpanan Karbon Pertama di Papua Barat

Jokowi Inaugurates the First Carbon Storage Project in West Papua

Reuters Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Friday (24/11) inaugurated the construction of a carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project in the province of West Papua operated by British Petroleum (BP). This CCUS project in West Papua is the first carbon storage project in the country. The CCUS project has the potential to store up to…
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Indonesia Launches Construction Of Pioneering Carbon Storage Project

Indonesia Launches Construction Of Pioneering Carbon Storage Project

Indonesia marked a significant milestone on Friday as President Joko Widodo launched the construction of the country’s first carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) project in West Papua province. This pioneering project, operated by global energy major BP (LON: BP), has the potential to sequester up to 1.8 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2), according to a statement…
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Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

Big Oil’s Favorite Climate Change Solution

This year’s United Nations climate summit will be the biggest in history–and the first held in a major petrostate. Host United Arab Emirates wants to bring the fossil fuel industry into the climate fold, but to make that happen requires wide deployment of carbon capture and storage. Proponents argue the new technology could help preserve…
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Wildebeest and wolves: The secret weapons against climate change

Wildebeest and wolves: The secret weapons against climate change

Schmitz is one of a group of researchers using wildebeest as an example to argue that animal rewilding could be an important solution in tackling climate change. In a scientific paper published earlier this year, they reviewed two decades’ worth of research to estimate the impact of key species in absorbing carbon. They concluded that protecting…
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Carbon Removals

Urgent concerns regarding the proposed Certification Framework for Carbon Removals (CFCR) text

With this letter, we express our serious concerns regarding the Certification Framework for Carbon Removals text under consideration for adoption at the Coreper meeting on 17.11.2023. We believe the current text has significant issues that need addressing before adoption can be considered. As it now stands, it undermines the effectiveness of the EU’s existing climate…
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Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

Funding for Energy related projects

Amsterdam, Nov 2nd 2023– The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that they will be awarding $36 million to 11 projects, spread over 8 states.  This has been done in order to drive forwards the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts and to accelerate the development of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR). The funding for these projects comes…
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