Tag: Suriname

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Javanese Diaspora Event 2023 invited Javanese descent from across the globe, including the Surinamese Ambassador to Indonesia Erick Rahmat Moertabat. Here is his story of finding a long-lost family in Yogyakarta.

Exclusive with Suriname Ambassador to Indonesia Rahmat Moertabat

Javanese Diaspora Event 2023 invited Javanese descent from across the globe, including the Surinamese Ambassador to Indonesia Erick Rahmat Moertabat. Here is his story of finding a long-lost family in Yogyakarta.

Why Suriname’s Carbon Finance Program Could Change The World

Ken Silverstein Mr. October is on deck. Marciano Dasai, Suriname’s minister of spatial planning and environment, spoke at Climate Week in New York and is pitching 4.8 million carbon offsets to the real heavy hitters — the rich nations responsible for most of the globe’s CO2 emissions. It’s the World Series of carbon finance — a potential…
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Suriname aims to be first to sell Paris Agreement carbon credits, adviser says

Sept 13 (Reuters) – The South American forest nation of Suriname plans to become the first country to sell carbon credits under a system set up by the 2015 U.N. Paris Agreement to help curb climate change, an adviser on the sale told Reuters. The prospective sale is a bid to attract investors with government-backed…
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