Tag: Brazil

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company announced this week a 41% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 2015 and 2023

Brazil reduces CO2 emissions by more than 40%

Coming Global Leader eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, May 2nd 20244– Brazil’s state-run Petrobras oil company announced this week a 41% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 2015 and 2023 according to the oficial news media and the Agencia Brasil.  ‘ The result was exceptional ‘, said Petrobras’ Energy Transition and Sustainability Director Maurício Tolmasquim. It was also an…
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Brazil World Champion cheapest green hydrogen production

Rotterdam World Champion transportation into Europe a.oerlemans/eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 26 april 2024– Brazilian development bank BNDES,  the largest financier of renewable energy in the world is investing another 15 and 20 billion dollars per year until 2040 in green hydrogen and in improving ports to transport green hydrogen from Brazil to Europe.  The South American giant, will produce…
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Brazil is finally assuming the presidency of the G20

Brazil is finally assuming the presidency of the G20

eyesonbrasil After a long period of waiting and hoping, Brazil is finally assuming the presidency of the G20. This historic milestone reflects the country’s growing role on the global stage and the opportunity to lead crucial discussions on economics, politics, and sustainable development. Understand how Brazil is positioning itself as a global leader. At www.eyesonbrasil.com we are…
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