Best Practises for CO2 Storage in Indonesia

CO2 Markets & Reforestation

Best Practises for CO2 Storage in Indonesia

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Indonesia, being one of the largest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitters in the world, faces the challenge of finding effective and sustainable ways to store this greenhouse gas. Implementing best practices for CO2 storage is crucial to mitigate the environmental impact and contribute to global efforts in combating climate change. Firstly, Indonesia should prioritize the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, which involve capturing CO2 emissions from power plants, industrial facilities, and other sources, and storing them underground in geological formations. Investing in research and development to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of CCS technologies is essential. Additionally, establishing regulatory frameworks and standards for CCS projects is crucial to ensure safe and environmentally responsible storage practices. Public-private partnerships and international collaborations can provide the necessary expertise, knowledge exchange, and financial support to accelerate the adoption of best practices for CO2 storage in Indonesia. By adopting these measures, Indonesia can play a significant role in reducing global CO2 emissions and transitioning towards a more sustainable and low-carbon future.


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